Banyo Post Part Y Rebozo
Post Partum Bath and Massage with Rebozo
Cancellation Policy
All payments are subject to a non-refundable fee of $40 if the below Cancel with more 48-hours or more notice, a full refund will be issued. Cancel with 47-hours or less, a refund minus a $40 fee will be issued. Reschedule with 48-hours or more, by calling 720-588-8219. If there is available space on another date, no extra fees required. If there is no available space on another date, a full refund will be issued. Reschedule with 47-hours or less, by calling 720-588-8219. If there is available space on another date, a refund minus $40 fee will be issued. If there is no available space on another date, a refund minus $40 fee will be issued.
Contact Details
2519 Airport Road, Colorado Springs, CO, USA